Problem Solving

Ankle sprains: Will my balance ever get better? Part 1

Your balance isn’t as good after an ankle sprain, and you aren’t sure why? A video that addresses a few common problems and introduces playing with proprioception to tackle the problem. Exercise printout included.

Physiotherapy Alberta’s Award for Excellence in Innovation

We’ve been recognized for our role advancing the physiotherapy profession by improving, changing and generally revolutionizing the delivery of services

Unwinding tension in the neck, shoulders, hands and feet

There is a very simple way to relax and restore our freedom of movement with this natural guide.

Caring for ourselves and others

Caring for ourselves and others

When life’s journey calls to to be a caregiver, sometimes the demands seem to meet or exceed your capacity. Fortunately some support is virtually available. Let’s talk about some supports in place for Calgarians in Alberta.

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Moving and feeling better

Moving and feeling better

Exercise helps many of us live better lives. It helps us function better with age related muscle loss, multiple sclerosis, post stroke weakness and Parkinson’s disease.

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Pacing myself

Pacing myself

Pacing can make the difference between a confident and an uncertain recovery. This is take home advice about setting goals without overdoing it.

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