We have a reason to celebrate today. I just got off the phone with Karin Eldred, president of Physiotherapy Alberta, who wished to congratulate us for winning Physiotherapy Alberta’s Award for Excellence in Innovation this year.
We have been working really hard this year to deliver ready to watch esacpes with movement, with 9 different challenge levels, 7 basic functional movements that build everyday resilence and endless destinations to be practicing our moves.
We made these vidoes to be used in a number of ways. We designed in person programs which we are piloting at charities like Vecova center, we designed virtual courses to be used for virtual classes with nonprofit organizations like Caregivers Alberta. We made comic strips to distribute to seniors homes and any other agency who’d like to have them and we made care boxes with smiley faced squeeze balls and stickers to have on hand on the days where its a bit more difficult to be motivated. The hub for all these resources will soon be this website. things are going to change around here in the Winter and Spring which will make getting what you need a breeze.
Not just any breeze, and ocean breeze.
We are so very thankful that our playing at work has been recognized by our profession. What an honor!