A simple approach when life seems complicated

Let's move and feel better 

About Our Practice

We are Calgary’s choice for in-home physiotherapy.  We meet you where you are, at home, at any stage in your journey through your adult life. When you are feeling stuck, our experienced team of professionals meets your demand for expertise. By connecting immediate rewards of movement to your health goals, we are helping you take better care of yourself.

Meet Our Team of Clinicians

Melissa DeSmet

Melissa formed Homebody Health Inc. in 2013 after noticing that people who wanted more help in the community had a tough time finding physiotherapy in their home and on their terms. She learned about what the public system could provide while working in hospitals and home care, then sought out respected business mentors in the community to help her carve her own career path. She knows home health care is, and always will be, shaped by the hearts and minds of the people who need it and use it. She will continue to ask and listen to her client’s needs as well as their support network, one major questions being “what movements matter to you?”  She strives to always learn more by listening intently, and sharing the perspective gathered both inside and outside the Homebody Health team.
Bachelor of Medical Rehabilitation-Physiotherapy (2008)

Michelle Joubert

Michelle began her career in the hospital setting, assisting people after surgeries or setbacks from minor illness to the need for intensive care. She then treated aches, pains, strains and strains in a private clinic. Michelle is passionate about working with a company that has a fresh outlook on how to make a difference in people’s lives and recently she has taken on a new mission that utilizes all of her past experience: providing public education about staying active, preventing falls and dealing with dementia.
Bachelor of Science Degree, Physical Therapy (1992)

Roxanne Elenko

Roxanne received her BScPT with distinction in 2001 from University of Alberta. She went on to complete courses and examinations to receive her diploma in intermediate manual and manipulative therapy (RCAMPT) in 2005. In addition to her Physical Therapy degree, Roxanne also holds a BSc in Biological Sciences and Kinesiology from Simon Fraser University in which she was a member of the women’s varsity soccer team. She has worked in private practice sports clinics in which she has dealt with a large variety of injuries, as well as in the subacute hospital setting in which she worked with individuals unable to return home following more severe orthopaedic injuries. Working at Homebody Health Roxanne feels that she can combine her passion for getting individuals moving following injury knowing that being independent and active is the first step in returning to the activities that enrich our lives. When not working, Roxanne loves to run, hike, backcountry camp and travel. She continues to play competitive soccer in the city.

Sophia Yee

Sophia has taken a keen interest in how the injured brain functions. Her approach to recovery uses her experience from working in neuro rehabilitation and uses her hands-on assessment skills from manual therapy training. Because of her post-graduate training she can assess the various causes of dizziness and make recommendations. Her patient’s also appreciate the special permission she has been given to order diagnostic imaging when it is necessary and use acupuncture needles in practice.
Masters in Physiotherapy (2009)

Cailan Bartram

A deep interest in how the body moves and functions, paired with a strong desire to care for others led me to become a Therapy Assistant in 2010. have years of experience working alongside Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists in a hospital setting, and I am honoured to have assisted patients recover and adapt to their situations. I furthered my education and became a kinesiologist in 2019. I recognize the importance of physical activity, and I thoroughly enjoy assisting our aging population meet their mobility goals. Homebody Health has provided me a platform to build relationships and help individuals stay active in the comfort of their own home!

Rayyan Farooq

While I’ve always had a passion for encouraging healthy living, I fell in love with rehabilitation after recovering from my shoulder dislocation in high school. While studying Kinesiology I volunteered in a rehabilitation center for people with disabilities which focused my attention on overlooked members of society. Ever since graduating, I’ve worked as a Community Support worker that helps people with cognitive and physical disabilities participate in recreational and educational activities around Calgary. I hope to further my education in the hopes of becoming a Physiotherapist myself one day.

Bachelor of Science, Kinesiology (2022) 



    Anna Thacker

    Anna has a passion for promoting healthy living. Her and Melissa worked alongside each other at Vecova Center for disabilities, piloting the functional movement program with children who have Developmental Coordination disorder (DCD). She joined the team soon after receiving her degree in Kinesiology,  and hopes to further her education in healthcare, with ambitions to be an Occupational Therapist one day.

    Bachelor of Kinesiology, (2022)



    Free your potential 

    How can you move and feel better? 



    Various ways to accomplish your goals 



    Tips and tricks that make day to day life easier 


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    Calgary, Alberta, Canada