We Are The Movement People
Appointments where you are.
1:1 In Home Physiotherapy
- Individualized support setting goals and forming new habits around exercise
- Professional assessment of your abilities and progress along the way
- Assured practice pages are custom designed exercises that help you think, feel and move with more confidence during and between sessions.
- Always a home visit
Physiotherapy Empowerment on a 1:1 basis
We were flabbergasted when we couldn’t find a tonne of home exercise sheets that featured people in real rooms of a house exercising. Where are the pictures that handle common hurdles of the day like rolling over in bed? And exercises at the sink should be commonplace, given it could be that little nudge on a regular basis that makes us move our bodies just a little more to get a little stronger. We set out to make our own pictures then, because we weren’t going to wait for someone else to do it. You deserve all the support you can get between sessions. We went ahead and made a library full of fun and functional exercises. We hope you enjoy them.
We are the movement professionals. We examine the root causes of weakness, pain and dysfunction and give you options to regain control in the short and long term. We are always tuned in to spot fear and uneasy feelings as these are common and normal responses to trying new ways of moving your body. When you have these feelings, we have a range of techniques we can use together to work with them during and between sessions.
We are a team; we can tell you what needs to get done to get from where you are to where you want to be, but there is never just one approach, rather a range of possibilities. We believe this is how we can empower you with our physiotherapy.

Our Vision Is to Help All Adults Find Immediate Rewards From Moving Their Bodies
What Makes Homebody Health Unique?
Custom Designed Exercises
Real Useful Information
Improve your understanding of how your body moves.
Flexible Homework
Achieve confidence in your ability to set goals and priorities for a lifetime of movement.